Tips for Safely Returning to Work
Returning to work after a quarantine has its own set of challenges as much as working remotely does. Many of us will be excited to return to Delta’s headquarters, missing the buzz of energy that Delta brings to each employee every day. But returning to work after being quarantined for the past few months may be a little unsettling. Most of us have become accustomed to working in the comfort of our homes, wearing comfy clothes and escaping interruptions. Some of you may carry concerns about illness, the second round of a COVID-19 outbreak or the quality of organizational precautions to protect us.
We all play a role as we return to a new normal. Here are five helpful tips to keep you thriving emotionally as we transition to working on-site again.
Leave Your Fears Behind
Focus on how you will be contributing positively to our business, our workplace and your coworkers. We all play an essential role in keeping Delta running smoothly. Yes, there will be some challenges, but life is about facing them, overcoming them and recovering from them. Your mindset is the most important tool you own; it’s what will allow you to face these challenges.
Don’t be afraid to share your rational fears with those around you. These fears are genuine concerns about safety measures and new protocols. Sharing these will help you make a safe and productive transition back to work. On the other hand, irrational fears cause harm to both you and others. Irrational fears about the pandemic whittle away at your confidence and energy, creating fatigue and disconnection from those around you.
Identify any irrational fears or concerns that you may have so you can let them go. Focus on what you can control: doing your job with the best mindset and to the best of your ability. Don’t get bogged down in negativity, even if you don’t support how things in this pandemic are being handled. We have choices. We influence change best with optimism and solutions, not with complaints or negativity.
Expect Some Anxiety
You can expect to have some anxiety about returning to work. It’s normal. You are going from a comfortable and casual setting (your home) to a more social and professional environment (the office). This requires remembering your boundaries and keeping your bar set high. The initial anxiety about returning to work will fade with time as you return to your usual routine.
Fall Back on Delta’s Core Values
Use Delta’s Core Values as your guide to navigate though this time of uncertainty. The values encapsulate your experience at Delta and will be useful in the transition back to work. If you are experiencing difficulties of any kind, be open and honest about them with your manager. Support will be provided. We are family here at Delta. I can’t stress this enough. That’s why we have life-coaching support available for all employees.
Create a Workspace of Productivity
Having a clear, intentional zone for you to be productive is helpful in creating high engagement and meaningfulness in your work. Put up positive messages around your workspace so you are directing your day on the right path. Make sure you are doing things that expand your skills and help you to grow professionally. This is a part of leadership. We are all leaders here at Delta. Lean into these experiences as they create energy in your job.
Establish a Clear and Healthy Routine
Have a clear and healthy routine with regular self-care behaviors. Those who have a structured routine that incorporates focus time, time to workout, healthy eating/meals, meaningful hobbies, small breaks to recharge focus and motivating resources are happier at work and home. It permits these individuals to find a balance. This is wellness at its best.
Welcome Back!
Embrace the transition. Change only makes you a stronger and better person! Remember, our purpose is in saving lives. We must put our (pandemic) mask on first!